The last month or so of my life has all been about independence. I have a desire to be a stronger woman, to no longer depend on others.
I lived alone for a month. It was strange doing things on my own at first, but I came to enjoy the peace (and the daydreaming too!).
I am planning on going on a solo trip too! I was thinking of going to Montreal and Quebec City. I don't know much about it there, but in my mind, it seems like a perfect place for a classic lolita who likes old buildings and museums.
These small things may seem very trivial, I know.
I wore this coordinate to the museum of Legion of Honor. I was most interested in seeing Monet's paintings.
JSK: Mary Magdalene
Cardigan, Blouse: f.i.n.t.
Shoes: Cobb Hill
Purse: Coach
Some lolita adjacent things in my life..
I decided to frame this Mucha picture. And I pressed some daisies that I got from Mother's Day.
One last thing.. I got this dress Panier de Fleurs! In the purple color! I have already worn it a couple of times and it has officially become one of my favorite dresses.
This will be a boring diary entry. It is boring because I said so. And you should probably stop reading now.
Life has been weird lately. There has been many unexpected things happening to me and I have been doing things that I thought I would never do.
Did I mention this entry would be very cryptic too?..
This is my outfit for perusing an antique fair in which I bought some photo frames.
OP: Mary Magdalene
Cardigan: Metamorphose temps de fille (there's teddy bears, alright?)
Shoes: Cobb Hill (unpictured)
I have been into headbands lately. And these glasses are new. Maybe I was going for a nerdy look? I am not sure.
I am only 10 years late, but I saw this movie recently "Dark Shadows". There is a character named Victoria Winters, the best way I can describe her aesthetic is vintage boarding school look. Unfortunately I looked up this term on Google and (surprise, surprise) found nothing like how she was dressed. But I love her aesthetic. Although my coordinate looks nothing like this.. I wanted to go for similar look, but not necessarily so drab and depressing. I am not sure if headbands and strange glasses fit this aesthetic, but it's OK to make stuff up along the way.

Hopefully I have not terribly bored you all.
(This is how I should sign all of diary entries.)
P.S. look ma, that person has a blue mustache!