I went on a walk today at a nearby park. The bonnet I wore is new and it was sunny out so it was perfect for the occassion.
It was also the first time I put my hair in foam curls. I was taken aback by how much volume there is in my hair.
I wanted to wear this coordinate with an apron and would have had I known it was going to be so hot (I was wearing a cardigan before, but thought a cardigan plus apron might not look great). I might edit this post later..
OP: Seraphim
Bonnet: Victorian Maiden
Shoes: offbrand
Purse: Fint
I have been struggling to feel inspired with lolita. I was feeling very tired of my wardrobe and coordinates despite having obtained a lot of dream items so I decided to work on my wardrobe. I guess Marie Kondo-ing of some sorts (I will admit I never read the book though).
I have been trying on every piece I own. Gauging if I love it not. There are some pieces I have owned since I started lolita, but still have not worn.
I created a digital version of my wardrobe so that I could easily make coordinates. I’m a very busy person so having to do it with a couple of clicks has helped a lot. When I finally do have time to wear lolita, I already know what to wear and don’t have to spend time looking through my whole collection. It’s also made me consider the items that I don’t wear often or haven’t worn. I now try to incorporate these pieces into my coordinates.
This whole process has been cathartic. I just felt I owned too much and this has really helped me downsize. I now know what I don’t intend on wearing - either because it doesn’t look good on me or just doesn’t work in my wardrobe. Owning too many things just really weighs down on me - probably mostly due to guilt.
I now know what my wardrobe lacks, but also has too much of. I have a couple of burgundy and navy colored dresses, but not a lot of accessories to pair them with which meant I did not wear them a lot. I put together a wish list. Only things that I know will go with more than 2 dresses can make the cut. There are a couple of things I absolutely love - they have their place on the wish list despite not matching my wardrobe. This wish list is still new for me, but I am hoping this will keep my spending under control.
Unfortunately, there’s now things on my wish list that I previously owned and sold. I wish I had put more effort into deciding if I should keep them or not. So, I will be on the hunt again. I am trying to limit myself to checking secondhand websites ~3 times a day. Otherwise I notice I get too frustrated and will buy things on a whim.
As an outsider, it’s probably hard to understand why it’s hard for me to keep my spending under control. My favorite brand Mary Magdalene rarely releases anything anymore. Things often sell out quickly (within minutes of the item being listed online) so there really isn’t much time to think.
I guess this post was some sort of resolutions for 2021. I hope I’ll be able to keep at it.