Sneaky Sunday

31 Dec 2023 - strawberryjam

Sneaky post, I don't think I will share this with my subscribers.. since it's not the most lolita related post.

I'm having a lot of mental health issues again unfortunately. I have extremely low self esteem and it really impacts my day to day life and how I interact with close ones. Just imagine going through every single day thinking you are ugly and worthless... It really impacts your energy levels and what you can do. I need constant reassurance that I'm not an awful person that deserves to be alone.

I am going through one of the hardest times of my life now. At least it feels like it. But when I zoom out and look at myself on paper, I should be so happy. Unfortunately I have had depression and anxiety since I was a preteen. The suffering gets to be too much on some days. I already consult mental health resources, but it's all so tiresome still.

Thanks to my friends for putting up with me. ;_;

I wil probably regret posting something so personal... but at the same time I wanted to share how difficult mental health issues can be ;_;

Picture of me wearing Mary Magdalene's Valeria